Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nazi Propaganda translations

German Translation: "Unwavering fight resolutely confident of victory"
Comment: motivates german soldiers to keep fighting

German Translation: Country folk recollect in thy power
Comment: To remind common people that they are just as powerful

German Translation: Daddy is dead! complaint to Hitler! He is responsible! 
Comment: Telling children not to revolt against Hitler, because he is in charge 

German Translation: Adolf Hitlers youth got to an undenominational school
Commet: There is no religion they belong to, they all come as one. 

German Translation: National Socialism is the organized will of the nation
Comment: Nazism is the only way to go 

German Translation: Our last hope: Hitler
Comment: Their all relying on Hitler 

German Translation: We take the fate of the nation in the hands
Comment: Hitlers persuading citizens to give him their fate 

German Translation: In the dust with all are hostile 
Comment: Germany is powerful, we can smash the others into dust

German Translation: Workers, the end of the first selects the front soldiers 
Comment: They need the workers to produce the weapons for the front soldiers 
German Translation: Death of lies, Marxism high finance
Comment: Communism will bring you lies and death, 
German Translation: The enemy sees your light darken
Comment: This poster is for night raids, when the enemy would bomb the cities at night. 
The enemy will see your lights on, turn them off 
Dutch Translation (small red text) ^: The rescue of the European Culture on underway 
Comment: Sarcasm 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Imperialism- powerful nations controlling weaker nations

What? When? Where?
Develope a trading route in central Africa from upper and lower congo. Leopold captured the women and children to force the men to produce ivory and rubber.
Belgian took over Congo during November 15, 1908, and Congo gained independence in June 30, 1960.
 Why? How?
King Leopold enslaved the men to produce rubber so it can be used in automotive. Belgian also had more advanced guns, from the Industrial revolution. Which cause Belgian to take over Congo

Monday, March 31, 2014

William Tyndale

William Tyndale was born in Gloucestershire England, and was born between 1484-1496 and died in 1536. He was well known for translating the bible into English, He was influenced by Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus. In 1535 William was arrested for heresy. Then was later executed by getting strangled, after his body was burned to the stake. A couple years later Tyndales bible was used in the Church for Europe.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Renaissance Vocabulary

Secular is not living by the church.

Florence is a major city state northern of Italy.

Medici is the family that controlled Florence.

Frescos are paintings done with wet plaster and water based paint.

Raphael is well known artist for his frescos.

Donatello is known for Greek and Roman statues.

Martin Luther is known for protesting agains the Roman Catholic Church.

Indulgence is a fee to pay to get into heaven quickly.

Lutheranism is Martin Luther's religion he started.

Ulrich Zwingli is a priest in Zurich, whom began religious reformations.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aztec Maquahuitl

What was the Maquahuitl? It is a war club that is 3-4in wide 3-4ft long piece of oak with obsidian embedded in the edges.

Who used the Maquahuitl? The Aztec Warriors used it in battle. 

When was it used? During the 16th century in the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire. 

Where was the Maquahuitl used? It was found in Central Mexico. 

Why did the make it like this? They couldn't thrust it, so they used a different style of warfare  

How was it used? Could be used with either one had or two, used for close combat fighting.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rise of the Mongols

     The Mongols way of living was an advantage compared to the places they conquered. The Mongols are nomadic, therefore they can adapt to any terrain and weather. The Steppe gave them horses, they started riding horses and shooting arrows at age 3. Every year the steppe hosts the Naadam Festival. The festival consisted of Mongolian wrestling, horse back riding and archery. The steppe had many tribes, occasionally the tribes would go against each other, trying to show superiority. By having the multiple tribes compete against each other, it would help get each tribe stronger.

Genghis Khan's leadership was different compared to the traditional Steppe ways, it was based on merit rather than the social class they came from. Genghis would also promote his best soldiers to generals. He would award his best soldiers with the most beautiful women they captured and the treasures they stole. Genghis Khan was really into loyalty, if a soldier disobeys or disrespects his general, the soldier is to be punished in a ruthless way. The way Genghis fought would be based on the art of war. Attacking when they least expect it and using secret spies to scout out the enemy. These strategies helped the Mongols fight against armies that were larger than them.
Genghis Kahn & his generals
The Steppe had a great affect on their technology, giving them horses and archery skills at a young age.  They became very skilled with using their horses. The Mongols have many tactics that include shooting arrows from tactics and riding horses for miles. In some tactics they would allow the enemy to chase them for miles tiring them out, leading the enemy to a group or archers. The Mongols would avoid hand to hand combat, so they would try to kill as much men with their catapult, arrows and javelins. The weapons they would carry for hand to hand combat were axes, scimitars, and lances.