Monday, March 31, 2014

William Tyndale

William Tyndale was born in Gloucestershire England, and was born between 1484-1496 and died in 1536. He was well known for translating the bible into English, He was influenced by Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus. In 1535 William was arrested for heresy. Then was later executed by getting strangled, after his body was burned to the stake. A couple years later Tyndales bible was used in the Church for Europe.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Renaissance Vocabulary

Secular is not living by the church.

Florence is a major city state northern of Italy.

Medici is the family that controlled Florence.

Frescos are paintings done with wet plaster and water based paint.

Raphael is well known artist for his frescos.

Donatello is known for Greek and Roman statues.

Martin Luther is known for protesting agains the Roman Catholic Church.

Indulgence is a fee to pay to get into heaven quickly.

Lutheranism is Martin Luther's religion he started.

Ulrich Zwingli is a priest in Zurich, whom began religious reformations.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aztec Maquahuitl

What was the Maquahuitl? It is a war club that is 3-4in wide 3-4ft long piece of oak with obsidian embedded in the edges.

Who used the Maquahuitl? The Aztec Warriors used it in battle. 

When was it used? During the 16th century in the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire. 

Where was the Maquahuitl used? It was found in Central Mexico. 

Why did the make it like this? They couldn't thrust it, so they used a different style of warfare  

How was it used? Could be used with either one had or two, used for close combat fighting.